July 8, 2018

July 8, 2018
To start off day 2 I woke up at 7:00 a.m. for a hike up potato hill I made up to the top it was difficult going up the hill because my shoes had no traction but once I made it I took pictures of the view of Mount Adams because you could see it so clear and then we were heading down but again my shoes had no traction so I had to take the long way down the hill. After the morning hike we went to camp chaparral to shower so the high school group showered first while the heritage group worked on their blog for day one and once we got out of the showers we started our blogs, after we got day 1 blogs done Doug Olney works for Yakama Nation Forest Products and he gave us a tour not to close to the camp but he was talking to us about the trees on how some of the trees are so crowded that they compete for nutrients and energy that the bottoms of the trees are dry and it’s what causes wildfires to spread so quickly so when they’re in the mountains they thin it out so the trees have room to grow while we were -on the small hike we found some wild strawberries, and a small river. I knew a little about forestry because my dad also works for Yakama Nation Forest Products so when we go to Coyote Springs up in the mountains he tells me and my family about what he does and which areas they’re working on and why so while I’m up there I ask questions about why they mark the trees but when they mark the trees it’s to show which trees are staying and which ones need to be cut down.
We decided to move camp by the river we walked to and so we went back to camp packed it up and moved from the mosquito's, when we got to the new campgrounds me and Priscilla hurried and set up our tent and put our stuff in there as soon as we were done we were able to head to the river and swim for awhile while one of the groups were cooking the water was cold but after like an hour dinner was ready and we had something like a burrito we had beans chicken and a lot of rice and lettuce it was good I don’t really eat beans but it was either eat or don’t eat at all but we didn’t really do anything after that so we just went to bed so it’s the end of day 2.


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