July 17, 2018

We woke up pretty early today so we can make the drive to Kalispel the first place we went to was the hatchery and the people that were showing us around had different types of trout  most of them were wild and some of them were born in the hatchery for researching reasons and to see how they were from the dams, the next place we went to was to the grotto or known as the caves and we talked about the history on the walls and how a lady was killed under a rock that fell, we then went across the street to talk about the native plants that we used back in the days, we were also given a story about how the mosquito's came to be, after that we went to that used to be a ranch and they turned the barns into a big greenhouse which needs to be bigger and the other barn into a storage space, they're renovating one of the buildings that was partially done when they first got the land and they're turning it into an office like place and they built a bunkhouse next to it, they're wanting it to be something for college students to experience the environmental sciences they're going to but it won't be until they finish, after the ranch we went to the language center and it turns out that there are 4 elders left who speak salish fluently and they're trying to bring the language back and so they have a school for k-3rd grade and they're bringing it up in the high school we were taught salmon, black bear, I'm hungry, and I'm full in sign language and in salish, after we left the language center we went back to the camas wellness center and had free time until 6:30 so some of were swimming, playing pool, playing at the air hockey table ping pong, and fooseball, and watching the office on tv.
It was a really good day because a good friend of mine was going through something and she got the help she needed and seeing her happy was just a joyful thing to see it was also a good day because we had indian tacos for dinner.


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